Developer:Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.



  • Platform:



  • Version:



  • Updated:

    Jul 9, 2023

    Jul 10, 2023

  • Size:

    120.59 MB

    382 MB



DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is a popular mobile fighting game that has captured the hearts of Dragon Ball fans all over the world. The game features a variety of characters from the iconic anime series, including Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza. In DRAGON BALL LEGENDS, players can battle against each other online, or embark on a single player adventure. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and tricks to help you get started with the game.

DRAGON BALL LEGENDS gameplay revolves around one-on-one battles between different characters. Players must go through the tutorial to learn the basic controls and moves of the game. The game offers multiple modes including Story, Event, Co-Op, and Ranked. In each mode, the objective is to defeat your opponent using various fighting techniques and special moves.

The combat system is quite easy to grasp. Players must use a combination of melee attacks and special moves to damage their opponents. There are also several different types of cards, including Strike, Blast, and Special cards. Each type of card determines the type of attack that your character makes. For example, Strike cards are melee attacks, while Blast cards are ranged attacks.

Learn the characters

Each character in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS has unique abilities and attacks. Spend time learning the strengths and weaknesses of each character to help you build a strong team. Some characters are better suited for ranged attacks, while others excel in close combat.

Level up your characters

As you progress through the game, you will earn experience points that can be used to level up your characters. This will increase their stats and make them stronger. Focus on leveling up characters that you use frequently in battles.

Collect Z-Coins

Z-Coins are the premium currency in DRAGON BALL LEGENDS, and they can be used to purchase new characters or to upgrade existing characters. You can earn Z-Coins by completing missions and achievements, or by purchasing them with real money.

Master your combos

Combos are a crucial part of DRAGON BALL LEGENDS' gameplay. Attempt to create combos that seamlessly blend melee and special moves. Practice your timing to land a perfect combo that deals more damage.

Use vanishing step

Vanishing Step is a technique that allows you to quickly dodge attacks and reposition. This move can help you avoid incoming attacks and set up your own combos. Practice this move to master the timing and use it effectively.

Team composition

Having a well-balanced team can give you a significant advantage in battles. Try to have a mix of melee and ranged attackers, and consider adding support characters that can boost your team's stats or debuff enemies.

Block and dodge

It’s important to know when to block and dodge in battles. Blocking can reduce the damage taken, while dodging can help you avoid incoming attacks altogether. Pay attention to your opponent's movement patterns to anticipate when to dodge.

Don't always use special moves

While special moves deal significant damage, they consume more Ki and leave you vulnerable to attack. Use special moves sparingly or when you have a clear opening.

Finish with ultimate

Each character has an ultimate move that deals massive damage. Try to save this move for when your opponent is low on health to ensure a victory.

DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is an exciting mobile fighting game that requires a combination of strategy and skill. With the tips and tricks outlined above, you can strengthen your team and become a powerful fighter in the game's various modes. Remember to learn your characters, level up them strategically, use combos, and block and dodge when necessary. With time and practice, you can master the game and become a skilled Z Fighter.