Twisted Tangle

Twisted Tangle

Developer:Rollic Games



  • Platform:



  • Version:



  • Updated:

    Aug 11, 2023

    Aug 11, 2023

  • Size:

    112 MB

    386.5 MB



Twisted Tangle is an immersive puzzle game that challenges players to untangle complex webs of interconnected lines. With its unique gameplay mechanics and increasing difficulty levels, having a solid understanding of puzzle-solving strategies and effective planning is crucial to conquering the game's challenges. In this guide, we will provide you with the latest tips and strategies to improve your performance and unravel the Twisted Tangle.

Analyze the puzzle:

Before making any moves, take a moment to analyze the puzzle and understand its structure. Identify the starting points and endpoints of each line and identify any potential obstacles or clumps that need to be untangled. By getting a clear overview of the puzzle, you'll be able to plan your moves more effectively.

Start with outward lines:

In most puzzles, there will be lines that are more exposed or on the outer edges. Start by untangling these outward lines first, as they tend to have fewer entanglements compared to the lines in the middle. By working from the outside in, you'll create more space and make it easier to untangle the remaining lines.

Utilize "Undo" and "Restart":

Don't be afraid to use the "Undo" and "Restart" buttons whenever necessary. If you find yourself stuck or realize that a move you made led to a dead end, simply undo your previous moves and try a different approach. When the puzzle becomes too complicated, restarting from scratch can sometimes provide a fresh perspective that leads to a successful solution.

Plan your movements:

Instead of randomly moving lines around, take a moment to plan your movements strategically. Consider how one move will affect the rest of the puzzle and anticipate potential entanglements or blockages. Visualize the impact of your moves before executing them to minimize mistakes and maximize progress.

Look for patterns:

Patterns often emerge in Twisted Tangle puzzles, even if they might not be immediately obvious. Look for repeated structures or loops that can help guide your untangling process. Identifying patterns can provide hints and shortcuts to unravel complex sections of the puzzle more efficiently.

Take breaks:

Staring at a challenging puzzle for too long can intensify frustration and hinder progress. If you find yourself getting stuck or feeling overwhelmed, take a break and come back with a fresh mind. Stepping away from the game for a while can help you see new possibilities or solutions that were previously overlooked.

Use hint system wisely:

Twisted Tangle may offer a hint system to provide assistance when needed. However, use this feature sparingly to maintain the challenge and sense of achievement. Relying too heavily on hints can diminish the satisfaction of solving puzzles on your own. Use hints as a last resort when you've exhausted all other options or need a nudge in the right direction.

Practice patience:

Mastering Twisted Tangle requires patience and perseverance. Some puzzles may appear unsolvable at first glance, but with careful analysis and thoughtful moves, you will find a way to untangle even the most twisted knots. Don't give up easily and embrace the challenge as an opportunity to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

Twisted Tangle offers a unique and engaging puzzle-solving experience that requires a combination of strategy, planning, and patience. By analyzing the puzzle, starting with outward lines, utilizing undo and restart options, planning your movements, looking for patterns, taking breaks when needed, using hints wisely, and practicing patience, you can conquer the intricate tangles and emerge victorious. Remember, every puzzle is an opportunity to enhance your cognitive abilities and enjoy the satisfaction of unraveling the Twisted Tangle. Good luck and happy untangling!